The Garden: Completely Worthy of its Own Post

The Garden

The Wildwood review isn’t quite done yet, so this is a garden post (otherwise known as filler …) No, not really! The garden deserves its own post. Hey look — I have purple basil growing out of a Greek head planter!

Seeing that it’s September, the garden is finally getting into full swing. Actually, that’s not quite true — we’ve had butter lettuce, herbs (basil, oregano, thyme, sage, parsley, rosemary and others) and strawberries throughout most of the Spring and Summer. Now, we’re just starting to really pick the tomatoes. These are a mix of Early Girls and Romas that I harvested last week.


I’ve already made a tasty salsa out of this bounty and am trying to come up with ideas for the next crop of ripe ones. Should it be a Tomato tart? Tomato sauce? Or this tomato sauce? Tomato soup? Hmmm…I need to formulate a plan!

We’re still anticipating all of the squash (spaghetti, acorn and a pumpkin) that’ll come in Fall. Although, I think next year I would like to plant a few more items, such as bell peppers, maybe some corn, and perhaps some black beans.

4 Replies to “The Garden: Completely Worthy of its Own Post”

  1. Feeling pretty strong today, want to catch up on all the yummy entries or entrees 🙂 And wanted to let you know that Moosewood has a GREAT spaghetti squash casserole recipe in it. When I moved into my house 2 years ago, the previous owner had a garden that I inherited (lucky me!) however, I was like what the…is this thing? Hence my new found love for the spaghetti squash. I took it to a baby shower (the casserole not the squash) and people are still talking about it.
    That also reminds me of a tomato recipe from Muncie. It was in the paper when we lived there. You slice the tomatoes, lay them on a baking sheet, drizzle them with olive oil, garlic, parmesan and salt and pepper, and broil them for a bit. I think it’s kind of appetizery (hmm a new word?). I’ll have to find the recipe to be more specific. Did we make it once?

  2. Oh, I will need to go look up the spagehtti squash recipe, that sounds good! Which one is it in? The first one? Or the Broccoli Forest? Or…?
    Oh, and the tomatoes sound really good! I’m not sure we made that in Muncie — I think I’d remember, but I could be wrong 🙂

  3. It’s in the first one I think. If you can’t find it I’ll type it up for you. There are so many versions of that cookbook these days.
    Oooh, and the tomato recipe calls for breadcrumbs too.

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