The other week I picked up some sweet cherries from the Montavilla Farmers Market and I wasn’t quite sure what to do with them. Then, as luck would have it, I remembered I had just re-found my popsicle molds (they were in a cabinet, way in back, up-up-way-up above the refrigerator). Seeing that it is Summer, I put the two together and wound up with this delicious treat.

A mountain of cherries at Montavilla Market.
You could also probably use honey instead of the granulated sugar here. I would have tried that but I really didn’t want the flavor to compete with the amaretto and the cherries.
Cherry Amaretto Yogurt Popsicles
2 cups low fat yogurt
1/3 cup granulated sugar (or to taste)
2 1/2 tbsp amaretto liqueur
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
about 12 -15 sweet cherries, pitted and quartered (or to taste, you could certainly use a few more)

Whisk the sugar, amaretto and vanilla into the yogurt. Add the pitted, quartered cherries and pinch of salt. Stir to combine. You could also puree the cherries into the yogurt mixture, but I liked the way the chunks of cherries looked in the popsicles.

Fill six popsicle molds. Tap each on the counter top, after it’s filled to get rid of any little air bubbles. Put the lids/sticks/whatever in the molds. You may have a little of the yogurt mixture leftover. Just get a spoon…it’s delicious.

Freeze the popsicles overnight. Run popsicles under hot water (or dip into a bowl of hot water) to loosen the mold enough to pull them out. Enjoy!