Leftover Chicken Pasta It Is…

Pasta & Wine

Quick Pasta:
Not really a recipe per se but I found a good use for the leftover chicken from Sunday. I tossed it with some Orechiette pasta (which I have been looking for all over the place! I found some at Pastaworks on Hawthorne), steamed broccoli, olive oil, garlic, chopped tomato and a little chicken stock. Then added kosher salt, Shallot-Pepper Blend, Sunny Paris Seasoning, red pepper flakes and tons of Parmesan cheese! Very tasty. Oh, yeah and there was also red wine. Because, how can you have a bowl of pasta without a glass of wine?

I overcooked the broccoli by about a minute or so but it was still very good. It can’t always be perfect, you know?


Speaking of which, I have already made a practice gruyere & mushroom soufflé for IMBB #20 — uh, I will be making another one this weekend. Utter disaster. It kind of exploded or something. Seriously, the top looked like Sideshow Bob’s hair. Then, it deflated like a flat tire and sunk in the middle. It wasn’t even very good tasting and seemed under-done inside. This was on par with the terrible croissant catastrophe of ‘99. I know! That bad!

::gears up for a fight::

Laugh now, soufflé, for this weekend, you will be mine. Ma-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

4 Replies to “Leftover Chicken Pasta It Is…”

  1. I totally miss you! And you don’t even have a blog. (You should!) I read Dave’s blog and miss you vicariosly through him. Or, uh, something like that — I’m confused now… 🙂

  2. awww. we’re cute. *sniff* And because I know Dave will read this eventually, honey how about that blog/website you’ve been wanting to make for me since we met because you thought I was hot and worthy of a website of my own? Though I will say, though I don’t have a blog, I do have my own emoticon (sp?) and logo.

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